Best Wrizz & Soren Teams: AFK Arena Team Hunting Guide [January 2023]

AFK Arena Guild Hunting is an event that is exclusive to guilds. If you are not a member of a guild, you will not have access to it. 

You will be required to fight two bosses in this game, one is Wrizz, and the other is Soren. The guild must accumulate 9,000 daily/weekly activity points to unlock a fight against Soren, and the fight against Wrizz is a daily event. Every boss can be fought three times, and you can abort the fight without losing a try. The objective is to maximize damage to acquire as many rewards as possible. We have compiled a list of the best AFK Arena Guild Hunting Teams to maximize damage for Wrizz and Soren.

While you are here, also pick the latest AFK Arena Codes and the best teams in AFK Arena.

The lineups below rely heavily on Scarlet, but Saurus is a viable alternative as the primary damage dealer in both fights until you build up your Scarlet. However, Scarlet has been available for quite some time by now, so I recommend prioritizing her over Saurus, both for Guild Hunting and The Twisted Realm.

I decided to give you guys an update on this AFK Arena mode. After the 100 billion mark things get significantly harder. At the moment I am stuck at 150-160 billion against Wrizz and 130-140 against Soren. I use the same 5 heroes on both teams:

Scarlet: A3, SI +30, 9/9F, 5-Star Eye, E60, Full T4

Rosaline: A5, SI +30, 9/9F, 5-Star Blade, Full T3

Raine: A4, SI +21, 4/9F 5-Star Call, 3/4 T3, 1/4 Resonance T3

Warek: A5, SI +20, 5-Star Chaos Bringer, Resonance T3,

Twins: A1, SI +30, 3/9F 5-Star Call, E33, Full T3

Despite going well above the recommended investments, one of the backline heroes will die too fast (around 30-45 seconds into the fight). This is mostly because they get one-shotted. To me it is evident that major Engravings investment is required for all 5 heroes to survive and get closer to 200 billion and more. I don't use Mortas in these fights because he is only L and gets obliterated within 15-30 seconds.

Saurus and Cecilia are worth testing against Soren as it may help you survive longer, but your damage may fall behind though.


Wrizz Guide

Below you will find the best Wrizz teams for both early and late-game. Note that this guide aims mainly for the best AFK Arena Guild Hunting teams in the endgame.

Wrizz skills

“Bombs Away” is the most dangerous among Wrizz's skills as it can almost one-shot heroes like the Twins if they are not strong enough.

AFK Arena Best Wrizz teams

All AFK Arena's best Wrizz teams include Saurus, Rosaline, and the Twins early. You can then add Belinda and Raine, Warek and Raine, Belinda and Rowan, Warek and Rowan, and similar combos depending on your needs.

The best Wrizz teams could even consist of just Saurus and four support units and still be great.?Don't be afraid to experiment?and reset the fight if it doesn't go well.?

As you get to late-game, Scarlet replaces Saurus (or even early on if you have invested in her), surrounded by Warek, Rosaline, Raine, and The Twins. Currently, these five are pretty much must-have units for Guild Hunting.

Raine on 3/9 Furniture is great for Wrizz, and all formations below take advantage of a 3 or 4-member Lightbearer bonus. Remember that Rosaline at 9/9F can do a little bit of DPS, but most of the damage comes from Scarlet, buffed by all four other characters.

Wrizz damage cap hit: 100,000,000,000 (video)

Update: The Damage cap has been changed to above 100 billion for both Wrizz and Soren, but the fights start getting quite hard after this point.

By now you already know that Scarlet can kill off Wrizz at his current damage cap, so here is the video. I believe this is the best formation to ensure the survival of all backline heroes:

In the table below I have replaced Saurus (SI +30, Chaos Bringer) with Scarlet. If you don't have her, stick to Saurus. For maximum damage, you are going to need an SI +30, 9/9F Scarlet. In this fight, Dura's Eye and Warden of the Arcane are interchangeable for Scarlet, while Dura's Blade can also work.

Saurus was the hero that would deal the most damage, and everything else around him is there to buff his DPS. Scarlet is a better option than Saurus as she outdoes him, while Saurus' healing is not necessary as you become stronger; however, you will need heavy investment in all five units for survivability beyond the 100 billion mark.

Rosaline should follow Saurus/Scarlet, and the Twins will link the two of them. Belinda can be useful in this fight early on as a second DPS as she can do a decent amount of damage with 3/9F (mandatory). However, formations with Scarlet as the sole DPS are still topping the leaderboards.

  • The 3 faction members buff gives 10% more damage and 10% more HP.
  • Faction advantage gives 25% more damage for Rosaline, Belinda, and Raine against Wrizz.

Warek is great thanks to his Bonebreaker skill (thrown enemy receives 80% more damage for 10 seconds). Maximizing Warek's haste will allow him to use Bonebreaker more times in the fight.


Below you will find the best teams for Soren. But first, let's start with Soren's skill set, which makes him a perilous enemy.

Soren skills

The thing to worry about with Soren is his Frighten ability, charming units in front of him. That is why we typically use a hero that can turn Soren around. That can be Warek, Cecilia, or worse choices like Silvina and Numisu to turn him around and avoid a mass charm.

Char is dangerous, but your heroes can survive as they grow stronger. This is another fight in that I don't use a healing unit per se and rely on support units, and even though I don't  Saurus on +30 SI. 

Check my Signature Item and emblems guide for more information on Signature Items.

Best Soren Teams

Below you will find the optimal recommended team comps for Soren.

Scarlet is your best DPS option for Soren too, but this is trickier as Soren's damage and frighten are on another level than Wrizz's.

For that reason, you will also need Saurus for his healing, and Rosaline must follow Saurus to help him keep your team alive.

Since Soren is a Graveborn foe, you will also have a hard time keeping Raine alive, so Warek is a good alternative, but you may need him at SI +20 to keep him alive.

My final recommendation is to swap Warek with Cecilia to keep Soren turned around if you have a strong, ascended Cecilia.

For Raine 3/9F is a prerequisite. Otherwise, Mortas is probably a better option if you don't have a 3/9F Raine.

AFK Arena Best Soren teams

As you can see, Scarlet/Saurus, Rosaline, and the Twins are your go-to characters. The difference here is that you need Warek to turn Soren around, but you shouldn't use Warek's special, so no auto on this battle.

  • 3-faction buff gives 10% more damage and 10% more HP.
  • Faction advantage gives 25% more damage for Lightbearers against Soren.
  • If you don't have a strong Warek, replace him with Cecilia to turn Soren around.
  • You can also replace Raine with Mortas or Rowan and still do decent damage, but 3/9 is invaluable for top damage here.

Best Guild Hunting heroes


  • Ultimate: Scarlet's ultimate is built for boss fights, although it works quite well in campaign and faction tower too. If you have strong support heroes it is best to invest in Scarlet than Saurus right from the start.
  • Signature Item +30:Her ultimate will make enemies surrounded in residual dark energy explode for damage equal to 180% of Scarlet's rating and an extra 4% max health.
  • 9/9 Furniture: This is a real difference-maker. At 3/9F Scarlet's Ultimate skill damage will be increased by 50% of Scarlet's attack rating every time she uses it until it reaches 250. At 9/9F the Ultimate skill will deal an additional 8 attacks. Both are among the best furniture skills in AFK Arena.
  • Warden of the Arcane or Dura's Eye: Both are valuable thanks to the Haste buff. If you have both at 5 stars Dura's Eye is the better choice in terms of DPS (it may be the best option if even if you don't). My Scarlet has a 75% Crit Rating with Dura's Eye equipped and this gets to 85% after the first critical hit with a 5-star Dura's Eye, so one can enjoy the 25 Haste points bonus throughout the whole fight.


  • Ultimate: Enables phase form for 9 seconds, which deals 85% of the original Saurus' damage value.
  • Tenacity: Raises Saurus' attack rating by up to 50% and defense rating by up to 125% (5 stacks). At skill level 3, Saurus gives his allies the AR and DR increases (absolute values).
  • Signature +30: Heals allies for 150% of Saurus' attack rating every time he uses “War Strike” or “Burst Strikes” when “Tenacity” cannot be stacked anymore. Keeping your allies alive until the end without needing a healer is vital.
  • Chaos Bringer: Raise Haste by 30, Damage to 15% so Saurus can optimize the Damage he makes. It is a better option than Dura's Blade if you have it. I don't, yet.


Rosaline is, in essence, your carry's buffer.

  • Ultimate: Raise 60% by 60% for 4 seconds, for the ally Rosaline follows (should be Saurus) every time she uses “Motivation.”
  • Signature: Raise 30% Damage(+20) and 25% Dodge & +30 Crit rating.
  • Both Dura's Blade and Dura's Call are great for Rosaline.


  • Ultimate: Marks all enemies, just the one, Wrizz or Soren, for 16 seconds. Damage is increased by 20% on marked enemies.
  • Lock-on: Mark the enemy with the lowest health, Wrizz or Soren for 10s. Since all allies target that enemy, their attack speed will increase by 30, and Crit Rating will increase by 20% for 3s. Remember that while the marking will last for 10s, buff to allies will last only 3s.
  • Exploit: Raise allies' damage by up to 30% as the enemies' health lowers. The problem with this is that the boss's health does not get lower, so I think it doesn't do anything for bosses. But the next one does.
  • 3/9 Furniture: After 3s of the battle, marks the health with the lowest enemy raises 30%  for all allies. This is why people use Raine on bosses. So only use her with 3/9 furniture or more.


  • Ultimate: Elijah and Lailah increase the party's haste by 75 for 10s. Removes all negative effects from allies and prevents them from being controlled for 4s.
  • Unity: This one links the last two heroes affected by “Grace.” Then, each hero's attack rating, defense rating, crit rating, dodge, accuracy, and leech are increased by 15%(?) of the other hero's attributes. I think that's 15% and not an extra 15% added to the 20% level 2. I've seen other guides talk about 35%, but I think it's wrong. The percentage is reduced compared to level 2, but it affects more ratings than level 2. This is why Rosaline works well with Dura's Blade. If she is in the front row, she will pass a part of her AR to Saurus. This is also why Grezhul, who steals Attack Rating, is excellent in some cases, either on Guild Hunting or Twisted Realm.
  • Dura's Call ensures Twins can buff Haste every second till the end of the battle.

Warek / Belinda

Warek or Belinda are pretty much swappable early on, but eventually, Warek takes over due to Bonebreaker.

  • Skill 2 (Warek) – Bonebreaker: Thrown enemy receives 80% more Damage for 10s.
  • Skill 4 (Belinda): Raise both Attack Rating and Crit Rating by 20% for the ally with the highest Attack Rating, which should be Saurus.

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